Author Name : Dr.S.Sivarajmurugan and Dr.M.Kishorekumar
Abstract : Online assessments or e-assessments are online tests conducted with the purpose of evaluating, measuring, and documenting the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of the test takers. Online assessment is used in different working areas and all of them have their own goal to achieve. Assessment is important for the development of your instruction. However, teachers often use assessments the wrong way. Assessments are about improving and with that said, it’s not the same as an evaluation. An evaluation is about showing the shortfalls and is judgmental while an assessment is about providing feedback and it is positive. Assessing is an ongoing process during your instruction. When a classroom assessment has taken place, students won’t be surprised anymore, because the instruction is meeting their needs. Teaching and learning must be meaningful and meet the needs of the particular communities of students. online assessments allow the test takers to take on mobile learning, which means, they are able to take the assessments anywhere, anytime. And they receive their results immediately by email. You can see their results and download them into an Excel file.
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