Author Name : Dr.S.Sivarajmurugan and Dr.M.Kishorekumar
Abstract : Social media addiction is a term that is often used to refer to someone who spends too much time on social media like Facebook and Twitter or other forms of social media. As a result, it affects the person’s daily life. Although there is no official medical recognition on social media addiction as a disease, the negative habit of excessive use of social media has become a subject of much discussion and research. Some of the signs and symptoms are clear-cut and to the point, while some are more difficult to identify and require effort to reveal. Social media has grown and become a big part of our daily life these days. People just cannot ignore the power of social media today. Even big companies are utilizing the power of social media to create their marketing channel to influence their audience. Like all other illnesses and problems, there are cures and solutions to social media addiction. The key is to have the commitment to follow through some of the suggested steps below and make social media a tool that you can control rather than let it control your life.
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